
Be the first to see the latest from Peaks & Puddles: blog posts on local issues, new cycle routes, website updates. No social network account required!

By email

You’ll only receive a single automated email each time I publish a new blog post (lately not all that often!), your email won’t be used for anything else and you can unsubscribe easily at any time.

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By feed

Website feeds are a very retro but very peaceful way to follow new stuff that interests you. No social media noise, no ads. Just add this RSS link to an app like Feedly and you’ll see new posts whenever I get round to writing them. Let’s make RSS cool again! (Was it ever…?)

And over on…

My main Peaks & Puddles account is now Bluesky for website updates, chat and photos from out and about. I’ve stopped contributing to others for obvious reasons.

But I’m a bit done with giving stuff away to social networks in general. If I’ve something to say or share it’ll now mostly be done here, on Peaks & Puddles, so it’s best to subscribe above!