Closures along two Derbyshire cycling and walking trails are underway, with disappointingly little advance notice given before the works began.
Derbyshire County Council
Cycle routes and blog posts about cycling, walking and exploring tagged with Derbyshire County Council.
Cycle Routes featuring Derbyshire County Council
Blog posts featuring Derbyshire County Council
The old Roman Road around Combs Moss north of Buxton will be closed for up to two months to improve a notoriously deteriorated section of the signposted Pennine Cycleway and Midshires Way.
The spectacular, sweeping climb up the A57 Snake Pass road out of Glossop will be a low-traffic space once again for five days in late May, prompting a new organised cycle ride to the summit.
Work to rebuild the Shallcross Incline Greenway in Whaley Bridge has finally begun, more than three years after the already-poor surface was severely damaged in 2019’s rain storms.
Derbyshire County Council are installing a permanent replacement for a High Peak Trail bridge destroyed by an HGV driver, requiring the multi-user path and road to be closed for four weeks.
So long, Long Hill! After over five months of nearly traffic-free peace on the dramatic road between Whaley Bridge and Buxton, the A5004 is now open to all traffic again.
Derbyshire County Council has announced the A57 Snake Pass will be closed again from late September 2022, but with a five-mile stretch blockaded as no through route for all users.
A new road closure order covering “all users” has just appeared for the one-way road between Errwood Reservoir and Derbyshire Bridge in the Peak District’s Upper Goyt Valley near Buxton.
The A5004 Long Hill between Whaley Bridge and Buxton, one of the Peak District’s most spectacular roads, is closed for up to five months for major works to fix a landslip. With concrete barriers blocking the through route for motor vehicles, could this be Derbyshire’s next unintended “Snake Pass”-style cycling event? Yes: you can absolutely bet it will be.
If you’d hoped to join everyone else taking a spin on the Peak District’s most epic new traffic-free greenway, it appears you’ve missed your chance. As of today, the Snake Pass has reopened to motor traffic with what Derbyshire County Council laughably calls a “safety first approach”. But has this month of tranquility proved the case for regular, or even very occasional, advertised, motor-free days on Peak District roads?