The National Trust’s Lyme Park, on the Cheshire edge of the Peak District, caused over 2 miles of queuing traffic on the A6 this Sunday morning — not for the first time.
Sustainable Travel
Cycle routes and blog posts about cycling, walking and exploring tagged with Sustainable Travel.
Blog posts featuring Sustainable Travel
“If the Authority is at all serious about enabling a sustainable future for itself, it needs to ensure that every car park it manages also has secure cycle parking available, in good numbers, as soon as possible.” That’s the challenge I put to the Peak District National Park, and I’m beyond chuffed that they’ve already responded.
Community group Buxton Town Team have drafted the first sustainable travel plan for the High Peak spa town, including proposed actions on accessibility and movement through the town by walking, cycling, cars and goods vehicles.
The Peak District National Park Authority has launched a consultation for input into its next National Park Management Plan — an important chance to get active travel, rights of way and cycling high on its agenda of work.